Personalised advertising: CRITEO fined EUR 40 million

Personalised advertising: CRITEO fined EUR 40 million

Background information

CRITEO specialises in “behavioral retargeting”, which consists of tracking the navigation of Internet users in order to display personalised advertisements. To this end, the company collects the browsing data of Internet users thanks to the CRITEO tracker (cookie) which is placed on their terminals when they visit certain CRITEO partner websites. Through this tracker, the company analyses browsing habits in order to determine which advertiser and for which product, it would be most relevant to display an advertisement to a particular user. Then, it participates in real time bidding and displays personalised advertising if it has won the bid.

Following complaints lodged by the organizations Privacy International and None of Your Business, the CNIL carried out several investigations into CRITEO.

During its investigations, the CNIL noticed several infringements concerning, in particular, the lack of evidence of the consent of individuals to the proc