Niels Westerlaken

Niels Westerlaken

Parliament letter on update migration .nl domain registration system to AWS

Parliament letter on update migration .nl domain registration system to AWS

Introduction file to introduce incoming ministers and state secretaries to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). It includes the induction program for the minister, explanation of the organization and background information about the ministry. (Machine translated)
European Court of Human Rights: Secret surveillance in Poland violates citizens’ privacy rights

European Court of Human Rights: Secret surveillance in Poland violates citizens’ privacy rights

On 28 May 2024, a precedent judgment was announced by the European Court of Human Rights. The court said that the operational control regime, the retention of communications data, and the secret surveillance regime under the Anti-Terrorism Act in Poland violate the right to privacy.
Students with a non-European migration background had a 3.0 times higher chance of receiving an unfounded home visit from the Dutch student grants fraud department

Students with a non-European migration background had a 3.0 times higher chance of receiving an unfounded home visit from the Dutch student grants fraud department

Last year, Investico revealed how DUO, the Dutch organization for administering student grants, was using a racist algorithm to decide which students would get a home visit to check for fraudulent behaviour. The Minister of Education immediately stopped the use of the algorithm. Further research concluded that indirect discrimination had
2 min read
LET OP, zegt de computer van Buitenlandse Zaken bij tienduizenden visumaanvragen. Is dat discriminatie?

LET OP, zegt de computer van Buitenlandse Zaken bij tienduizenden visumaanvragen. Is dat discriminatie?

Discriminerend algoritme: Volgens een onderzoek discrimineerde het algoritme dat Buitenlandse Zaken gebruikt om visumaanvragen te beoordelen. Uit onvrede met die conclusie vroeg het ministerie om een second opinion. By Carola Houtekamer and Merijn Rengers for NRC on May 1, 2024