EU-Hof: een belastingautoriteit die bij een marktaanbieder van internetdiensten gegevens opvraagt moet de AVG in acht nemen

EU-Hof: een belastingautoriteit die bij een marktaanbieder van  internetdiensten gegevens opvraagt moet de AVG in acht nemen

The collection by the tax authority of a Member State of personal data concerning the advertisements for the sale of vehicles placed on the website of an economic operator falls within the material scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). Thus, that authority will also have to comply with the principles on the processing of personal data laid down in the AVG. However, a tax authority can derogate from the AVG in certain cases, even if the right to derogate is not granted by national law or a legislative measure within the meaning of the AVG. This is the EU Court's answer to preliminary questions from the Latvian court.