EDPB guidance on deceptive designs and EU data imports final

EDPB guidance on deceptive designs and EU data imports final
Two guidelines from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) are now final. These are the guidelines on deceptive designs ("dark patterns") on social media and the guidelines on the rules when importing data from the European Union (EU).The guidelines were drafted in 2021 and 2022 by the Personal Data Authority (AP) and the other privacy regulators in Europe, united in the EDPB. They are now final, after being open to comments and suggestions from other parties.The Guidelines on deceptive design patterns in social media platform interfaces: how to recognize and avoid them give practical recommendations to designers and users of social media.They deal with 'dark patterns'. These are interfaces that 'direct' users to make choices they do not want to make. (machine translated)
