E-archive justice not in violation of AVG

Prosecutor's Office of the Supreme Court July 21, 2023, IT 4381; ECLI:NL:PHR:2023:823 (Complainant v. Courts) The E-archive is the internal database of Rechtspraak.nl and contains a selection of judgments that are not included in the database anonymously. The E-archive therefore contains personal data of, among others, the complainant. This conclusion discusses whether the complainant's data were lawfully processed by the courts. The complainant takes issue with three courts. A judge had searched the E-archive to see whether the complainant was entitled to litigation fees and saw that the complainant was not classified as a professional legal aid provider in one judgment and was in a judgment of another court. The complainant believes that the judge wrongfully searched the E-archive because there was no basis for doing so from the AVG. In addition, the complainant argues that the judge should not have communicated this information at the hearing or included it in the ruling. The complainant states that with respect to all the expressions (Machine translated)