Does AI perpetuate human bias?

AI bias is not new. Rather it is a problem that is escalating as newer AI technologies are being deployed in various parts of our lives. Who does AI discriminate against and why? Dutch student Robin Pocornie tells us why she submitted a claim against her university using an AI exam supervision system. New York-based data reporter Lam Thuy Vo points out insufficient and inadequate datasets that AI is trained on, while Berlin-based tech expert Nakeema Stefflbauer talks about systemic biases entrenched into AI design. When talking about AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Vanderbilt University’s Jules White argues that bias is rather brought out by users themselves. And with the co-founder of Racism and Technology Center in Amsterdam, Naomi Appelman, we discuss the idea of technological objectivity that persists in our society. By Jules White, Lam Thuy Vo, Nakeema Stefflbauer, Naomi Appelman, Robin Pocornie and Samantha Johnson for YouTube on September 26, 2023