
A collection of 43 posts
Recommenders you can rely on: A legal and empirical perspective on the transparency and control individuals require to trust news personalisation

Recommenders you can rely on: A legal and empirical perspective on the transparency and control individuals require to trust news personalisation

Law can play an important role in safeguarding trust in organisations that use news personalisation. Control and transparency measures are crucial to enabling individuals to trust these organisations. The law’s current focus on informing individuals about and empowering them to stop personalisation does not account for the importance of
Paper vs. practice: How legal and ethical frameworks influence public sector data professionals in the Netherlands

Paper vs. practice: How legal and ethical frameworks influence public sector data professionals in the Netherlands

There is a wide gap between legal and ethical governance rules and the everyday practices of public sector data professionals. Frameworks are integrated implicitly, subtly influencing decision making. According to this article, mainstreaming literacy, rather than specialization, is a necessary consequence.